Please consider writing a similar letter, your local California representative can be found at:
If you are an alternative animal practitioner, lets see if we can implement our own law to protect individuals rights to choose the healing modality of their choice. Contact me privately. Thank you to all who contribute!
I wish to address bill SB697 that was introduced by Senator Negrete Mcleod. It seems the “hearing was cancelled at the request of the author”. The gist of this bill was to consider many lay and alternative animal practitioners felons.
I wish to inform you of the journey many of us “alternative practitioners” have traveled, so if and when similar bills are introduced you will have a balanced perspective from which to render judgment.
Speaking for myself and other lay alternative practitioners I am blessed to network with, we never claim to be “veterinarians”. Our education has been paid for by the lives of beloved pets we have lost because licensed conventional treatment and means had set paradigms that life is supposed to live and die by. Deep inside, we felt we let our pets “down” somehow. This set our course to find others whose wisdom extended beyond the studies, research and clinical realms.
In this quest we found an old time reverence for the individual process of healing each being deserves. Many of us had an innate ability as children towards the gift of healing. As adults we found paths of healing that resonated with like minded professionals, some veterinarians, some talented lay practitioners that honed our art and were kind and generous enough to impart their wisdom. This process seared into our being the fact that
Most of our clients have exhausted conventional medical realms, if one is then able to render aid to an ailing being by something as gentle as the laying of hands or homeopathy and that being finds relief not offered by other means – how can that be considered a felon? Ink on paper should not instill fear of repercussion of rendering an ancient and age old gift. It is a very sad world legislation is creating if this turns out to be the case; you are killing human goodwill.
I need not remind you the dire and sad state this planet is in. Lobbyists have bought laws that benefit a chosen few. Government has sent jobs overseas for decades giving the youth in this country no choice but to join armed forces and kill themselves in wars driven by suits that never put themselves in harms way.
We are the only species that offers future generations a poisoned planet and slavery for our children via incredible debt loads. Laws obviously failed to inspire integrity for such a bleak outlook for human offspring. Integrity comes from within, not ink on paper.
Monumental natural and man made disasters are polluting the planet. We will no doubt see an increase in the disease process, Fukushima still spews radioactivity. Indeed those in the healing arts (conventional and alternative) should focus on working together for the good of the client, and leave the ego at the door. It is time to grow up folks; the clean up ahead is huge.
Most conventional professionals welcome the added support we alternative practitioners provide. Clients have switched to alternative practitioners like equine dentists after licensed professionals put horses in the hospital for excessive sedation, some of these horses did not make it out of the hospital. Will such licensed individuals face the same penalties? Or will it be business as usual seeking a scapegoat to extract more funds for a sinkhole economy of greed that never fills its belly?
We find that lay equine dentists’ work is less taxing to horses we love. The horses are able to eat afterwards and continue their work, instead of needing down time to recover. The horse world is full of nuances that unless one has years gleaning through the facades of showmanship, the horse will suffer the consequence. Again, those in suits should not be making laws without some sort of real-time, hands on experience.
In a failing economy alternative practitioners offer comfort for animals that may otherwise not find relief. Many folks are now living out of their cars with their pets. Alternative practitioners offer assistance for many in already dire straights, usually for no compensation. It is a sad existence we have created; please don’t add to the misery.
Laws that limit such a personal choice have no place in a so called free country. There are beings, like myself, that react very poorly to conventional medicine. I then find myself with the originating illness compounded by adverse drug reactions that then conventional medicine knows not what to do. Government has greatly overstepped in private matters, financially not one state is fiscally viable to implement health care for all. Individuals are tapped out, wondering if we will be in our home next month, we can’t afford governments ideals anymore. Human greed is the sword will are all falling on; the time is rife to trash the arrogance, greed and ego of old. If we choose not to, it will be our obsolescence.
The saddest truth is certain unscrupulous horse folk that beat horses till they break bones, will not be affected. Perhaps if you really want to raise the bar for animals, consider laws that would hold more consequence for those that abuse, torture and mutilate animals for sport. God only knows enough of these degenerates graduate to humans.
Please, educate yourself on the bills you consider passing, vote with integrity for future generations and not the whims of lobbyists, our country has already been prostituted and sold out.
In the mean time, please tell me how to get a bill passed to insure my right to work – and my clients” rights to the health care of their choice for their pets, livestock and themselves. In a free country, I shouldn’t even have to be asking for this, but feel the need to do so as too many states and countries have proposed/passed similar ludicrous laws. The very plant needed for health often grows as a weed in yard of the being that needs it the most; this is “green medicine”, this is a sacred right a human being has no business tampering with.
Thank you,
Renate Andrasevits Reed
CC: Gov. Brown,
Negrete Mcleod
Ted Lieu
Warren Furutani
Betsy Butler